Effective ways of parasites in the body of the man

Know what methods are effective against the parasites, is, in effect, the holders of 95% of the population of the Earth. There are over 2 000 species of parasites can live in the body of the man. They are localized not only in the digestive system, and in all the organs: the lungs, the liver, the brain, the blood. Their size – from microscopic up to several metres, but they bring a huge harm to health. Sometimes, to get rid of worms in need of a surgical intervention, 80% of all chronic diseases by the activity of the parasites in the body. They may be the cause of bronchial asthma, allergy, psoriasis, inflammation of the joints and other illnesses that the people in vain treat of years. And it is enough to just get rid of their pathogens.


Remedies against parasites

There are a lot of remedies, which are designed for the safety of the fight against the parasites. Their action is aimed directly at the elimination of worms, as well as on the recovery functioning of the body likely to suffer from their adulterations. Many plants have properties of the powerful against parasites. Among them, garlic, walnuts, onion, pomegranate, pumpkin seeds, st. john's wort, wormwood, ginger, tansy, thyme, cloves. They are harmful to the adult worms and larvae. In the treatment of worms much ginger

Revenue effective folk remedies for the removal of parasites:

  1. Garlic with kefir – 10 peeled garlic cloves need to swallow without chewing, and drinking kefir. Performed one procedure at a time on an empty stomach. After a week, you can repeat it.
  2. Onion and brew – clean and chop the small onion, then pour 1 cup of boiling water. Leave overnight and in the morning on an empty stomach, drink a decoction.
  3. The infusion of wormwood – 1-2 teaspoons of the leaves of wormwood need to insist for an hour in 1 cup of boiling water. The broth got to take on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening, a half-cup. The course of treatment – 2-3 days.
  4. Sbiten – cleanses the body of parasites, toxins and strengthens immunity. For cooking it takes 1 cup of honey dissolved in 1 liter of water, then boil for 20 minutes. Add the cardamom, the ginger, the cinnamon, the bay leaves, 1 teaspoon, and bake for another 5 minutes. Decoction, strain and drink hot before going to bed. The course of treatment – 7-12 days.

The tincture of the bark of nuts – shredded sheath 15 nut rinks 0.5 liters of alcohol. The infusion is for a period of 30 days in the light. The schema of the receipt are the following:

  • 1 day drink 1 drop diluted in 100 ml of water;
  • Day 2 – 2 drops in 100 ml of water;
  • Day 3 – 3 drops in 100 ml of water;
  • Day 4 – 4 drops in 100 ml of water;
  • Day 5 – 5 drops in 100 ml of water;
  • Day 6 – 2 teaspoons in 200 ml of water;
  • 7-11 day – 2 tablespoons 50 ml of water, twice a day.

To follow the course that you want to all days during the year, use 2 teaspoons of tincture, diluted in 50 ml of water. Drink the tool, of the stomach and is not watered. The powder of wormwood – the dried fruits or mature leaves of wormwood are ground into powder. Taken 1 times a day before meals in amounts:

  • 1 day – 1 pinch;
  • Day 2 – 1/4 of a teaspoon;
  • Day 3 – 1/3 teaspoon;
  • Day 4 – 1/2 a teaspoon.

The powder of wormwood has devastating effects on the earthworms

The method of application

The dose is gradually increased up to 14 days of the receipt up to 1/2 tablespoon of powder. You need a 6-day drink on, 1/2 tablespoon of powder every day, and after that, consume the same amount of powder to 1 times per week. The tool you need to drink enough water.

The seeds of clove, grated to the consistency of the powder. Are updated three times per day before meals in the quantities:

  • 1 day – 1/5 teaspoon;
  • Day 2 – 1/4 teaspoon;
  • 3-10 days – 1/3 of a teaspoon.
  • with 10 days 1 teaspoon once a week.

All of the components of the triad is desirable to use simultaneously. If you can achieve maximum results. "Natural remedies for parasites are upgraded without a prescription, but you need to respect the dosage, duration of treatment. From seeds of cloves, you can make the powder


The classification of the parasites

Depending on the location and biological characteristics of abdominal worms are divided into different types.

The species of parasite:

Roundworms (nematodes) – are distinguished by the rounded shape of the body on the cut. The most common type of parasites that live and all stages of development are only in the body of the man. Among the 24 000 species of these parasites, the most common are the following:

Hookworms are the most common type of parasites

  • The round – reaching a length of 45 see Live in the small intestine and feed off yorumlar food. The poison of the body, highlighting the toxins in the blood. Live up to 14 months. The way of contamination – washing hands, products.
  • Pinworms in the length does not exceed 1 see Live in one and the small intestine. They are very easy to get in contact with the support, through everyday objects. Live 1-2 months. During the promotion of the hygiene of the parasites of this type are easy to get rid of.
  • Whipworm – the to a length of 3 to 4 cm, or in the mucosa of the blind, and colon. They suck the blood. In the process of life produce a lot of toxins. Live up to 5 years. The way of contamination – by hands unwashed products.
  • Trichina – the length reaches a total of 3-4 mm wide, These parasites can be localized in all organs. They penetrate into striated muscles of the respiratory tract, the eyes, the heart. Live several years. You can get through raw pork.

The first 3 types of parasites are effectively treated with medication. Enough drink on the appropriate medications. Trichinosis is processed in several stages: the drugs are supprims only the adult worms; the larvae, which are located in the muscles, you can't kill it. The cestodes (tapeworms) – they have a flat body shape, divided into segments. Have suction cups, with the help of which are fixed to the intestinal mucosa. Can reach 18 m in length. A phase of life necessarily pass into the body of an intermediate host. The most common types of worms in this group:

Tape worm often and that is one of the longest parasites

  • Wave of tsepen – in length reaches up to 10 million Lives in the intestine, is attached to the wall. You can get them by the gross of the beef.
  • Swine tsepen – reaches 2 m in length. You can get through raw pork.
  • Dwarfish tsepen – reaches a length of 3 to 5 cm, and is transmitted to the violence, through unwashed hands.
  • Broad tapeworm – reached 6 to 15 m in length. You can get through the meat of freshwater fish, whether it is consumed raw.
  • Echinococcus – the parasite dangerous to catch infections that can be cats and dogs. Enter in the human body, the larvae develop quickly, are transported by the blood stream to different organs and form echinococcosis cysts, which can remove surgically.

Trematodes – their flat and broad, the body can reach a length of 1.5 m of the Pathway of contamination – through a flesh of fish, fruits of sea. Be localized can in any part of the body, middle ear, eyes, up to hatchers the ducts of the glands. Feed on the cells of the intestine, the intestinal contents, mucus, blood sucking. Basic Types :

Trematodes can be installed in any part of the body

  • fasciolosis– grows to 3-7 cm, and a parasite in the gall bladder. Contract can be by eating plants with water, not boiled water.
  • The flute – achieved a 4 to 13 cm in length, and is localized in the bile and the bladders and hoses.

Depending on the location of the organizations are divided into:

  • bowel grow, and live exclusively in the intestine;
  • extra-intestinal – through the blood vessels are distributed in the different organs: the eyes and the brain, the liver.

Types of parasites, regardless of the peculiarities of the development:

  • Bio helminth parasites for the development of the parasites in this group have a need to change several intermediate hosts. They can catch animals.
  • Geo-helminths – must pass through the stage of maturation in the soil, otherwise they cannot infect humans.
  • Contagious types – the cycle of development can happen in the body of a man.

Intestinal worms can live only in the gut

The most common types of worms, roundworm, pinworm, tapeworm wide: Trichinella, dwarfish tsepen, swine tsepen.

The symptoms of parasites in the body:

  • The grinding of teeth during sleep.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence.
  • The pain in the muscles, the joints.
  • The Increase of the temperature.
  • Skin disease eczema, rashes, acne.
  • Of allergic reactions.
  • The anaemia.
  • Weight problems – obesity, or razor-sharp loss of weight.
  • The sleep disorders.
  • The nervous disorders.
  • The chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • Diseases of the respiratory tract, asthma, cough.
  • Immune of the offence.
  • The swelling of the body, the face.

The signs of the presence of parasites can occur after the infection after 2-4 weeks. The strong variation of weight (in any direction) may mean that the appearance of earthworms

Processing steps: how to get rid of parasites

To clean the body of worms, you need to perform several processing steps:

  1. In) – to prepare the body to eliminate the parasites, you need 2-3 days of eating vegetable oils, e.g., flax, or pumpkin. They are round 1-2 teaspoon 15 minutes before each meal. As an alternative to oil, you can consume medicines. This will eliminate the toxins and the substances resulting from the subsistence of the worms of the earth.
  2. Restorative justice, are tools that help to restore the functioning of the body, the victim of worms.

In the treatment against parasites, you should respect the dosage and mode of intake of the tablets


In order to minimize the risk of infection by parasites, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • Adhere strictly to the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Minimize contact with pets.
  • All the 34 month to give a pet as a means of parasites.
  • Do not come in contact with stray animals.
  • Regularly do wet cleaning.
  • Thoroughly wash fruits, vegetables.
  • The consumption of fish, meat, to supplement the heat treatment.
  • Don't drink gross tap water.
  • 1 time every six months to all members of the family to consume ways of treatment for parasites.

When the symptoms of infection by parasites is to follow the diagnostic. On the basis of its results, the doctor will be able to choose the best remedy against parasites, which will get rid of them. This is a serious disease, so it is better to resort to medical consultation. A full treatment of the must have place for all members of the family.